NEW DELHI: A special court on Thursday dropped all charges against Former Telecom Minister Dayanidhi Maran, his brother Kalanithi Maran and others in the Aircel-Maxis deal cases lodged by CBI and the Enforcement Directorate (ED).
Special Judge O.P. Saini discharged Maran, his brother Kalanithi Maran, Kalanithi's wife Kavery Kalanithi, South Asia FM Ltd (SAFL) Managing Director K. Shanmugam and two companies -- SAFL and Sun Direct TV Pvt Ltd (SDTPL) in two different cases.
The court was
hearing two different matters related to Aircel-Maxis deal+ lodged by the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) and the Enforcement Directorate (ED).
The CBI+ had alleged that Dayanidhi Maran, as Minister in the UPA-I government, used his influence to help Malaysian businessman T.A. Ananda Krishnan buy Aircel+ by coercing its owner Sivasankaran to part with his stake.
All the accused had denied the allegations against them made by the investigating agencies and had moved bail pleas.