Country’s largest lender SBI on Friday said it aims to reach 5.2 lakh Acceptance Touch Points and collectively do Rs 1 lakh crore transaction in 2017-18 to take forward government’s digital agenda.
The State Bank of India (SBI) said in a statement that it has implemented various initiatives as part of Digital India and Digi Dhan Mela campaign launched by the government. These,
include adoption of 110 villages to develop digital eco system, and targeting deployment of 25,000 terminals at 12,500 villages under a NABARD scheme.
“In FY 2017-18, the bank’s ambition is to reach 5.2 lakh Acceptance Touch Points which include 4 lakh Digital PoS (Bharat QR and Aadhaar Pay) and collectively will receive Rs 1 lakh crore of transaction value,” SBI said.