Doodh Duronto special trains have transported seven crore litres of Milk to National Capital, New Delhi in the current financial year 2020-21 till Tuesday, which is highest ever transportation since its commencement.
Transportation of Milk from Renigunta of Andhra Pradesh has been started in the year 2011-12 and initially Milk Tankers were attached to Regular Superfast train to serve the purpose. Since then, transportation of Milk has been done on a regular basis, transporting around 2 to 3 crore litres in every financial year. 

There has been increase in demand as the years passed by and in the year 2019-20, 4.4 crore litres were transported. But in the month of April 2020, due to Covid lockdown, when all passenger trains came to a halt, Milk transportation was a challenging task to the Zone.
Shri Gajanan Mallya, General Manager, South Central Railway has right away ed the officials of the Zone to go for an alternative through exclusive transportation of milk by running of special trains namely Doodh Duronto.  Starting from 26th March, last year, special trains have been operated initially on every alternative day.

Subsequently, due to increased demand, these trains were operated on daily basis from 15th July, last year and are being continued even today.
Considering their importance, the South Central Railway has been operating Doodh Duronto special on par with Mail express trains. The distance between Renigunta and H. Nizamuddin, 2300 km, is being covered within a short time of 30 hours. 
Doodh Duronto specials are run normally with six Milk tankers, each having a capacity of 40,000 liters i.e., totalling to 2.40 lakh liters of milk in a train. So far, around 296 trips of the special trains have been operated with 1,753 milk tankers duly transporting 7 crore liters of milk in the current financial year, which is the highest ever loading in any financial year since inception.
Mr.Gajanan Mallya, General Manager, SCR has appreciated the consistent efforts being put forth by the staff and Officers of Guntakal Division and Zonal Headquarters in the mobilization of milk to cater the needs of the Nation. He expressed his happiness with regards to the Zone crossing the highest ever mark in the current year.

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