New Delhi: Minister of State for Commerce and Industry Anupriya Patel launched the Indian Business Portal in New Delhi last evening. The portal will serve as an international trade hub for Indian exporters and foreign buyers. The portal is a business to business digital marketplace to empower small medium enterprises exporters, artisans and farmers to identify new markets for their products and grow their sales globally.
Speaking after launching the portal, Ms Patel said, the portal will act as e-commerce marketplace to help Indian exporters get global visibility. She said, it will address a number of elements which are part of the vision of Prime Minister
Narendra Modi and a commitment of the government like digitizing exporters, supporting MSME and encouraging greater exports of Indian products.
The Minister said, various e-commerce platforms showed immense potential in supporting millions of businesses to sustain themselves, despite the challenging time of Covid-19 pandemic.
The Indian Business Portal has been developed by Federation of Indian Export Organisations to provide Indian Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) exporters, artisans and farmers, and foreign buyers a business to business marketplace on a single digital window.