Union Civil Aviation Minister K R Rammohan Naidu has said that the government will soon be launching the Udaan Yatri Cafe for passengers travelling through the UDAN scheme at the airports. Unveiling the official Centenary Celebrations Logo on the completion of hundred years of Kolkata’s Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose International Airport in New Delhi yesterday, the Minister said that the cafe will address the issue of overpriced food and beverages at the airports and provide affordable food to the
travellers. He added that the first pilot project of the cafe will be run at the Kolkata Airport and later be implemented at all airports under the Airports Authority of India.
Further, the Minister stated that Kiosks will be set up in the departure areas to facilitate the passengers at the airport. He also said that these Kiosks will provide essential refreshments such as tea, coffee, and water among others.