New Delhi: The realme 14 Pro Series 5G, powered by the cutting-edge Snapdragon 7s Gen 3 5G chipset, is scheduled to launch on Thursday (January 16), marking the beginning of an exciting new chapter in the superphone era. Built on TSMC’s 4nm advanced process, this 64-bit octa-core processor strikes a balance between raw power and power efficiency. This translates to AnTuTu benchmark scores exceeding 820,000.
The Snapdragon 7s Gen 3 significantly enhances the user experience with support for up to 12GB+14GB of LPDDR4X Dynamic RAM and UFS 3.1 storage, ensuring smooth multitasking and fast app loading. The device’s gaming prowess is undeniable, achieving 90fps in Free Fire and BGMI.
The integrated Spectra Triple ISP within the Snapdragon 7s Gen 3 unlocks impressive camera
capabilities. This allows the realme 14 Pro Series 5G to utilise high-resolution sensors, like the 50 MP Sony IMX896, capturing stunning detail and clarity.
Furthermore, the ISP enables simultaneous photo and video capture across multiple lenses, expanding creative possibilities. With this chipset, the device also supports a refresh rate of 120Hz, as seen in the device’s 6.83-inch, 1.5K AMOLED screen.
With its groundbreaking features and segment-leading performance metrics, the realme 14 Pro Series 5G represents a significant step forward in democratising premium smartphone technology. As mobile computing continues to evolve, devices like these are setting new benchmarks for what users can expect from their daily drivers.