SEBI has allowed options trading in commodity derivatives. SEBI's board approved the proposal at its meeting in Mumbai. Ajay Tyagi, Chairman of the Securities and Exchange Board of India described it as a very big step towards further deepening the commodities derivatives market. SEBI's board also approved issuance of unified license to brokers for trading in equities and commodities markets.
Bolstering steps to curb any flow of illicit funds in the capital markets, the regulator also decided to bar resident and non-resident
Indians from making investments through participatory notes. To check any misuse of funds raised through public offers, SEBI also made it mandatory for companies raising over 100 crore rupees via share sale to appoint a monitoring agency to keep tabs on use of the capital.
SEBI further permitted investors to purchase mutual funds worth up to 50,000 rupees through digital wallets. This is part of efforts to channelise household savings into the capital market and promote digital payments in the mutual funds industry.