The Central Government has notified the third phase of mandatory hallmarking vide Hallmarking of Gold Jewellery and Gold Artefacts (Third Amendment) Order, 2023. The third phase of the mandatory hallmarking which came into force today covers an additional 55 new districts under the mandatory hallmarking system, wherein hallmarking centres have been setup. The total number of districts covered under mandatory hallmarking is 343.
BIS implemented Mandatory Hallmarking in 256 districts of the country on 23 June 2021, in the first phase and in the additional 32 districts with effect from 04 April 2022, in the second
Since the implementation of mandatory hallmarking, number of registered jewellers have increased from 34,647 to 1, 81,590, while Assaying and Hallmarking Centers (AHCs) have increased from 945 to 1471. More than 26 crore articles of gold jewellery have been hallmarked with HUID so far.
The state-wise list of newly added 55 districts under the mandatory hallmarking is available on the website of Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS),
>under hallmarking section.