Yes Bank has partnered cab aggregator Ola to set up mobile ATMs across 30 locations in the country that will allow people to withdraw up to Rs 2,000 per card.
The Point of Sale (PoS) enabled ATMs will be stationed in Ola cabs from where customers of any bank can withdraw the amount, Yes Bank said.
The service will be available in over 30 locations across 10 cities including Mumbai, Delhi, Bangalore, Chennai, Pune, Kolkata, Chandigarh, Ahmedabad, Hyderabad and Jaipur.
“This partnership is being done with an aim to ease the process of cash withdrawals for citizens across the country and provide seamless service to the customers with additional mobile infrastructure powered by Ola”, said the bank in a release.
Speaking about the
partnership, Rajat Mehta, Senior President & Country Head, Brand & Retail Marketing, Yes Bank, said: “We are happy to partner with Ola to bring cash to the customer within easy reach and provide seamless withdrawal facility using Yes Bank PoS machines.”
Raghuvesh Sarup, CMO & Head of Categories, Ola, added, “This is an important time for banking and mobility to come together and help people. Ola’s fleet and technology strengths complement Yes Bank’s service, and enable convenient cash withdrawals for people. Ola is also accepting various modes of cashless payments.”
Yes Bank said it is fully committed to help realise Government’s initiative to propel digital payments in India and move towards a ‘less-cash’ economy.