Ten youngsters in Jharkhand's Gumla district allegedly gang-raped two minor sisters on the eve of Dussehra. While the police arrested two people on Monday, October 18, one of the accused died by suicide at his residence. A search operation is ongoing to find out the rest who are absconding.
The two arrested have been identified as Sameen Asur (22), Prem Oraon (24), and Ajit Bhagat, who took his life. The reason behind his suicide is reported to be the pressure induced by locals. The minors underwent a medical test and recorded their statements with the department. A case was registered with Gurdari police station under relevant sections of the Indian Penal Code and the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (POCSO) Act, Media
According to the report, the incident took place last week, on Friday, at around 2:00 pm, when the girls were returning home with their cousin brother after attending a local Dussehra.
The perpetrators were in their motorbikes and caught them when the trio was crossing a nearby village. Initially, they started eve-teasing the girls and beat the cousin.
The brother was forced to run from the spot, and the girls were taken to the centre of the forest area and sexually assaulted till late at night. The group left after they sensed some villagers approaching the forest area, who were alerted by the cousin. The locals rescued the girls and filed a complaint with the police.