A 36-year-old housewife was found dead at her home in SR Nagar in suspicious circumstances. Police said that Varalaxmi had slept in her home along with her husband and two children, but when her husband woke up, he found her lying with a chunni around her neck. Police suspect her husband hands behind the death.
M. Varalaxmi married M. Ramakrishna nearly eight years ago. The couple and their two children, six-year-old Karthik and four-year-old Sireesha, were staying at a rented flat in Ambedkar Nagar. Ramakrishna is a cab driver and Varalaxmi is a housewife. On Wednesday the family slept in the
bedroom. Around 12.40 midnight, Ramakrishna woke hearing the cries of Sireesha.
“He saw a saree was tied tightly around his wife’s neck and that she was unconscious. He woke up owner Purushotham and called his relative Venkateshwar and with their help rushed her to a nearby hospital,” SI G. Naresh Kumar of SR Nagar police station said quoting Ramakrishna. She was declared dead at the hospital. However, her relatives expressed suspicion that Ramakrishna had killed her.
A suspicious death case was registered and the body was handed over to the family after post-mortem.