Hours after a six-month old girl was allegedly raped in northwest Delhi's Samaypur Badli area, police arrested a 40-year-old man after a brief exchange of gun fire. The accused has been identified as Kamal Malhotra alias Chinu, a resident of Jahangirpuri. His friend Raj alias Raju, who is accused of raping the infant's teenage sister, is still at large, police said.

On April 29, police received a complaint from a woman that when she returned home from work on Friday evening, she was not able to find her daughters at home. The complainant said that she had two daughters- one is 14 years old and intellectually disabled, and another six months old.

The woman heard cries and screams in the neighbourhood and found Chinu and Raju allegedly raping her daughters. When the accused saw the woman, they ran away from the spot, police said, quoting the victim.

The girls were taken to hospital for treatment and an FIR was registered and an investigation was taken


On Saturday, police received information that Chinu was seen near Badli metro station in an abandoned park. The police conducted a raid and asked the culprit to surrender but he did not listen.

Instead, he took out a pistol and fired at the cops, to which the police retaliated. The culprit sustained bullet injury on his right leg, following which he was nabbed.

Deputy Commissioner of Police (outer north) Brijendra Kumar Yadav said, "On Saturday, Chinu was found at a park near the Samaypur Badli Metro station. The police asked him to surrender but he did not listen. Instead, he took out a pistol and fired at them. In retaliatory firing, a bullet hit him on a leg, following which he was nabbed."

Police also recovered one live cartridge from the possession of the accused. He is undergoing treatment at a hospital and separate legal action will be taken against him.

Both the accused were intoxicated during the alleged crime, the police officer added.
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