Hyderabad: The Jawaharnagar police, in a joint operation with the Malkajgiri special operations team, arrested three persons, Pranay Kumar, Rohith and Nagesh for the murder of one Sri Sandiri Swamy (35) from Balajinagar. His burnt body was found by locals in Kowkoor forest on January 28. 

Police found that the accused Pranay Kumar was having an extramarital affair with Swamy's wife, Kavya, for over a year. He used to take money from Kavya, including cash, a loan through an app and forced her to sell gold. Swamy, who became suspicious of his wife's

behaviour, questioned her.

Together with Rohith from Nizamabad and Nagesh from Balajinagar, Pranay and Kavya hatched a plan to eliminate Swamy. On January 26, Pranay convinced Swamy to accompany him on a car trip to Anantapur. 

On the way, they picked up Rohith and consumed liquor. During the journey, Pranay and Rohith stabbed Swamy when he was sleeping in the car. The next day, they burnt the body in a forest near Vikalangula colony. Kavya transferred Rs 43,000 to Pranay.

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