A hostel owner who was in an inebriated condition misbehaved with a girl residing in the hostel in SR Nagar on Thursday. The 20-year-old girl staying in the hostel was targeted by Narendra Reddy, the warden cum owner of Deluxe Girl’s Hostel in SR Nagar for indulging sexually. However, his filthy motive was foiled by the daring attempt of the victim. "He tried to barge into the room, which is located in the first floor.
I got frightened and raised an alarm,” alleged the girl adding that some sort of sedative was laced in her food. According to reports, Narendra, misbehaved by forcibly tying to enter the girl’s room and tried to
outrage her modesty. He backtracked only when the girl screamed. A complaint was registered against the owner, with the victim demanding harsh punishment for the erring owner. On the other hand, Narendra said, “We have total 40 inmates and no such problem arose all these years except for the girl and her roommates who are trying to tarnish our reputation.
We reprimanded them for their indecent dressing and late night antics to which they expressed disapproval and went on to complain against us.” “Investigation has been initiated and we are trying to nail down the offender," the cops said adding cops took custody of the owner.