Hyderabad: A 45-year-old staff nurse, Krishna Kumari, was thrashed to death by her husband over family disputes at her house in Malkajgiri, the police said on Wednesday. The accused has been identified as Rajendra Kumar and a resident of Malkajgiri. On Sunday, when the couple argued over some issue, Rajendra belted Kumari with belts. “Krishna Kumari informed her sister Sirisha over phone and when she came to pacify the matter, Rajendra who was reportedly in an inebriated condition, locked his wife in the room and attacked kicked, thrashed and belted,” police said.

When her sister Sirisha went to her rescue, Rajendra attacked her also. Later, Rajendra called

Kumari’s parents and informed them that their daughter was unconscious. Hearing that, her parents shifted Kumari to a private hospital where the doctors after examining her informed that she suffered internal injuries and died on her way to the hospital. Kumari, who worked as a staff nurse at C.C. Shroff hospital, was married to Rajendra 20 years ago and the couple has two kids. They used to quarrel frequently over petty issues, police said. 

Based on the victim's parents complaint, police registered a murder case under section 103 (1) of BNS Act against Rajendra and reportedly took him into custody.

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