Following complaints that anti-social elements were sitting on “chabutras” in front of the houses at odd hours in Riyasatnagar locality and misbehaving with the passersby including, women, school-going girls causing public nuisance, the South Zone Police conducted Cordon-and-Search operation in the locality under Santosh Nagar plice limits on in the early hours. All the officers and police personnel of South Zone comprising 300 personnel split into 20 teams and conducted the search operation by cordoning the area.

South Zone DCP V Satyanarayana, IPS, said some 40 suspicious persons, including 20 rowdy sheeters were taken into custody in the house-to-house search and verified their criminal activities. The DCP said the objective behind the search operation was to curb the nefarious activities of criminal elements and protect the good from the bad.

            During the search, a notorious rowdy sheeter Azam Ali Khan was intercepted and a dagger has been recovered from

his possession and five more daggers were seized from his house at Riyasath Nagar, he said, adding a case in Crime No.74/2016 U/s 25 (a) of Arms Act was registered against him and arrested.

            Meanwhile, the police also arrested Md. Siraj alias Satta Siraj, 53, of Riyasathnagar, Shaik Maqboom, 44, a cook, residing at H.No.17-1-336, Barane Sha Ki Dargha, Santoshnagar and one Khaja Riyaz Uddin alias Jangli Riyaz, 28, an auto driver of Hafiz Baba Nagar, Kanchanbagh, who were running “Satta” under Santoshnagar PS limits and seized an amount of Rs 300 and Satta chits from their  possession.

During the search operation, one Mohd Irfan, 25, a salesman in Jagadish Market and one Mohd Sarforaz, key maker, of Bharanesha Dargah area, Santoshnagar were arrested in connection with a hurt case. Both were absconding since commission of offence. One more accused Mohd Zillullah, 43, of Riyasathnagar, who was involved in a rape case was also apprehended. The police also seized 123 two-wheelers, two four-wheelers and seven three-wheelers after verifying documents.

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