Tirupati: A horrific incident unfolded on Wednesday night in Muni Reddy Nagar, near Sri Padmavati Women’s University in Tirupati, where a software engineer fatally stabbed three of his family members before ending his own life. The deceased have been identified as Gudimetla Sunita, her two daughters Devi Sri and Neeraja, and their assailant, Mohan, a local resident. Police suspect a tragic culmination of family disputes as the motive behind the gruesome murders-suicide.

According to the SV University Police, who are investigating the case, Mohan’s forced marriage to his brother Doss’s wife, Sunita, is believed to be the root cause of the conflict.

Sources indicate that the marriage ended in separation due to irreconcilable differences between Mohan and his wife. 

In an attempt to reconcile the estranged couple, Doss and Sunita had been mediating the situation. However, these efforts may have inadvertently escalated tensions between the brothers. Police theorise that the mounting pressure and frustration led Mohan to commit the heinous act. 

The bodies of the victims have been sent for post-mortem, and a thorough investigation is underway to establish a clear timeline of events and corroborate the suspected motive.

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