Three persons were on Thursday detained under the Cyberabad Police Commissionerate for indulging in trading of rice meant for public distribution scheme (PDS) and other unlawful activities. They have been identified as Nalla Nani, K Pandu Rangaiah and Enshetty Sudarshan.
According to the Cyberabad police, they were habitually indulging in purchase of PDS rice from fair price shops and poor ration card holders and selling it illegally at higher rates to business people.
The police said that one Nalla Nani with many aliases was repeatedly indulging in diversion of subsidised rice to black market in the limits of Vanasthalipuram and Meerpet police station limits.
He also procured girls and women from other parts of the State
and pushed them into prostitution. Despite several cases booked against him, he was continuing his nefarious activities.
Another accused K Pandu Rangaiah alias Pandu, 39, a rice supplier from Dwarakanagar Colony in Hasthinapuram under Saroornagar mandal was involved in five offences of cheating, criminal breach of trust and violation of Section 7 of the Essential Commodities Act, 1955, in the limits of Cyberabad and Hyderabad Commissionerates.
One Enshetty Sudarshan, 54, of Tirumal Binni Rice Mills at Cheekatimamidi village under Bommalaramaram mandal of Nalgonda district and native of Ramnagar, Hyderabad, who was involved in eight offences in the limits of Cyberabad Commissionerate and Nalgonda district, was also detained.