More than a week after a six-year-old girl in western Uttar Pradesh's Hapur was kidnapped and raped, the accused has been arrested by the state police. During investigation, the police claimed, he allegedly snatched a gun from a police personnel and was injured in retaliatory firing.

"Dalpat was taken to the site of the crime for investigation where he snatched a policeman's pistol and tried to fire at them. In retaliatory firing, he was hit on the leg and has been admitted to a hospital," Hapur police chief Sanjeev Suman said.

A photo of the accused, Dalpat, was released earlier this week, days after three

sketches - based on the statements of the girl's parents and neighbours - were made public.

The police had reported a prize of ₹ 50,000 or any data about the man. He attempted to delude the police by leaving some garments and a 'self destruction note' close to a stream yesterday. In the note, the man said he was ending his life since he would not like to bite the dust in a police experience.

The police had launched multiple search operations in Hapur and neighbouring districts in the past week to look for Dalpat.

The girl, who has multiple injuries, is being treated at a hospital in Meerut.
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