Warangal Urban: In a shocking incident, a young woman aged around 25 years has been murdered by her ‘lover’ at Ramnagar in Hanamkonda on Friday. It is said that the accused slashed her throat killing her on the spot. The deceased has been identified as Munigala Haritha, a native of Lashkar Singaram village under GWMC limits. The incident happened in the afternoon in a rented house where they were living together for sometime time now. It is said that they had been allegedly in ‘live-in relationship’. It is learnt that the accused, who has been identified MD Shahid, a resident of Kazipet, surrendered before the Subedari police.

According to the family members of the deceased, they were classmates while pursuing graduation in a private college in Hanamkonda. While Harathi reportedly completed MBA, Shahid is currently preparing for competitive examinations. It is said that he used to visit  Haritha at the latter’s home frequently.  However, on Friday he asked Harathi to meet him at his rented house in Rampur. Harathi’s mother Renuka said that her daughter left home around  2.30 pm saying she was going to meet a friend.

Harathi met Shahid at his place where he slit her throat with a blade and she bled to death on the spot. It is learnt

that Shahid first went to the Warangal Central Prison to surrender but he was redirected to the Subedari police who took him into custody.

Harathi’s father M Pratap, who works as an outsourcing employee in government polytechnic college in Station Ghanpur of Jangaon district, said they were informed about the death of their daughter by the police at around  6pm. “It is still unbelievable that he killed my daughter so brutally. He was known to our family for several years and was a trusted friend of my daughter,” he said.

Pratap’s elder daughter was married off and he is also looking for a match for Harathi. However, she has informed him recently that she likes a boy and expressed interest to marry him.

Commissioner of Police V Ravinder, Minister for Panchayat Raj Errabelli Dayakar Rao and Chief Whip Dasyam Vinay Bhaskar visited the  scene of crime and consoled the parents of the girl. The body of Harathi has been shifted to the MGM hospital for postmortem. The Subedari police have registered a case and are investigating.  Minister Errabelli Dayakar Rao asked the police to  see that the culprit would get the suitable punishment for murdering the woman.

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