Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister YS Jagan Mohan Reddy directed officials to make 10 months of internships mandatory for graduation courses in a review meeting on the Higher Education Department held on Friday. In the meeting, the CM remarked that the internships should be in three phases, with 2 months for the first year, 2 months for the second year, and 6 months for the third year.

The CM further instructed authorities to ensure a considerable rise in the Gross Enrollment Ratio (GER), noting that the state government is putting in place measures to achieve this goal.

Chief Minister YS Jagan Mohan Reddy, "Fee reimbursement is being provided under Vidya Devena and the charges for accommodation under Vasathi Deevena so that

poverty won't deprive a student of pursuing higher education. GER should be more than 80 percent."

He went on to say that higher education courses should be job-oriented while adding that supplementary courses and special courses should be added to the existing courses.

"Students should become proficient in English to increase communication skills and to provide the best training to students for GRE and GMAT exams," CM YS Jagan Mohan Reddy added.

He further informed that the fee reimbursement and Vasathi Deevena schemes are going to be applicable to all the children in a family where they were limited to only one child and added that this decision was taken to ensure education for both girls and boys.
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