Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister YS Jagan Mohan Reddy on Wednesday gave 5.18 lakh tablets worth Rs 688 crore coupled with Byju's premium material costing over Rs 778 crore to the kids and teachers in Baptala district in an effort to further improve the learning of schoolchildren in the state.

The CM made the decision to engage in numerous social activities and birthday celebrations with school children. 4,59,564 Class 8 kids and 59,176 teachers from government and aided schools all around the state received the tablets.

Speaking at the mega gathering of teachers, students, and their mothers, the Chief Minister said, "Some sections of society are not eager to adapt to a changing generation, but this government firmly believes we are just at the beginning of the digital revolution. We aim to enhance the education system through a holistic approach with government initiatives."

"I am launching this programme as a good uncle to those children and an elder brother to those mothers. There are disparities between states in the per capita income

of states, just as there are disparities between countries in the world. Similar gaps exist between communities in the state," the CM said.

Regarding class discrimination, which is prevalent in this state, Reddy said, "It must be eradicated. A child has the right to education and quality education, which includes the right to learn English too."

"English medium is not just the choice of the elite class, but for our children too. However, when it comes to our children, court cases are filed against the move toward the English medium, which is unfortunate," he said.

By making English the primary language of instruction in schools and implementing the 'Subject Teacher Concept' in the classrooms, the administration is at the forefront of reforming the educational system in the state.

The government of CM Jagan Mohan Reddy is taking steps to make it possible for students to learn courses whenever and wherever they want, thanks to the tablets which come with SD cards pre-loaded with quality materials for Classes 8 and 9.
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