The government of Karnataka has decided to reopen the colleges and universities in the state from today, January 15, for all students. The physical classes for undergraduate, postgraduate, engineering, and diploma courses are resuming from today.
The colleges in Karnataka are reopening after nearly 10 months, as they were shut down in March 2020 in view of the rapid spread of the Covid-19 pandemic in the country and the imposition of the nationwide lockdown by the central government.
The Karnataka government has also announced that attendance of the students will be voluntary for the time being and all universities will be conducting offline examinations from this year for students of all semesters.
The state government had earlier announced the reopening of colleges and universities from December for final year students. After the success of the first phase of reopening colleges in the states, the government decided to reopen the colleges for all students.
The Karnataka government has issued a list of Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for the
reopening of colleges in the state from today, January 15, amid the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic. The SOPs have been sent to all colleges in the state by the government.
Here are the SOPs issued by the Karnataka government-
. Wearing masks is compulsory for all students, teachers, and staff on college premises
. College authorities will have to sanitise all common areas such as classrooms, labs, staff rooms, and other places before resuming classes
. Thermal checks will be conducted for all staff and students at the entry points of the colleges. . Any student with Covid-19 symptoms will be sent home immediately
. All staff, students, and teachers will have to use sanitisers and wash their hands regularly while on college premises
. Social distancing norms will have to be followed in all common areas, especially classrooms.
Apart from reopening the colleges and universities, the Karnataka government has also reopened the students’ hostels in the state and resume the bus service for the ease of transportation in the state once the physical classes resume.
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