The government of Kerala has recently announced that the colleges in the state will reopen from January 4, after being shut down for 10 months. The colleges are only reopening for final year students for the time being.
In the first phase of reopening colleges in Kerala, only students of the fifth and sixth semesters of undergraduate courses will be allowed to attend classes. The classes for other semesters will resume gradually after the pandemic is further under control.
The state government has
also announced that students enrolled in postgraduate programmes and research courses will also be permitted to attend classes from January 4. All the teaching and non-teaching staff will be allowed to go to college from December 28.
The colleges in Kerala, along with other educational institutes, were shut down in March 2020 due to the rapid spread of the Covid-19 pandemic in the country. Many states are slowly reopening their educational institutes to relieve some of the academic pressure on students.
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