Maharashtra class 10 and 12 board exams decision will soon be taken amid the rising Covid-19 cases. Maharashtra's education minister Varsha Gaikwad on Friday released a video message on Twitter saying that the state government is consulting with students, parents and teachers regarding alternatives for the assessment of Class 10 (SSC) and Class 12 (HSC) board students.
She further assured that the safety of students is the government’s foremost priority.
“I have a clear idea that some parents and students are uncomfortable
about the board exams in view of the growing COVID cases. I am consulting with student representatives, tech giants, parents, teachers and other experts regarding alternatives for assessment of HSC and SSC board students,” Varsha Gaikwad said.
“Your safety is our foremost priority. We are reviewing the situation. A decision in this regard will be taken in the next few days after discussions with the chief minister,” she added.
The Maharashtra SSC, HSC board exams 2021 are scheduled to begin on April 29 and 23, respectively.
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