The Delhi government Monday told the Delhi High Court that it will take two-three weeks to arrive at a decision regarding nursery class admissions in the capital. It said it will also take into consideration the demand for postponing admissions to entry-level classes for the 2021-2022 session in wake of the pandemic.
The submission was made before the bench of Justice Prateek Jalan by Delhi’s standing counsel Ramesh Singh during the hearing of a petition seeking directions for postponement of nursery admissions.
Singh told the court that it was a premature petition as the government was yet to come out with guidelines and there can be no admissions until these are issued.
The court disposed of the plea after recording the statement of the government counsel that the information provided by the petitioner will be taken into consideration while framing the guidelines or taking the
In the petition, advocate Rajat Vats sought a direction to the government not to grant permission for any physical opening or online opening of nursery classes in Delhi. “Certain suitable preventive directions by way of writ of mandamus are required to be issued to protect fundamental rights of children in the age group (3 to 4 years) regarding nursery class admission which Government of NCT of Delhi is likely to grant permission for physical or online courses just to give financial benefits to school managements without considering interest of children,” he said in the petition.
During the hearing, Vats also told the court that many schools have already started issuing nursery admission forms and sought a stay against such schools. However, the court said the schools have not been impleaded as a party in the case before it, and asked the counsel to make a complaint before the authorities.
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