The Delhi government on Friday issued a new advisory for schools after Covid cases saw an uptick in the national capital. Schools have been directed to close the entire premises or specific wings temporarily if any student or staff tests positive for COVID-19. The Directorate of Education (DoE) also said that students and staff must wear masks and maintain social distancing to the extent possible.

The advisory came amid reports of a few students testing positive for COVID-19 across the national capital and NCR. Here's all you need to know: 

1. If any COVID case is noticed or reported to the school authority the same must be intimated to the Directorate of Education immediately.

2. The concerned wing of the school or the school as a whole as the case may be must be closed down for

time being.

3. Wearing masks by students, teachers, and other staff of schools, maintenance of social distancing is mandatory.

4. Regular washing of hands and use of sanitizers and creating awareness about the prevention of Covid among students, teachers and other supporting staff and parents visiting the school are also advised.

Both Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal and Deputy CM Manish Sisodia maintained the government is closely monitoring the situation, and asked people not to panic as there is no rise in hospitalization.

"Covid cases have slightly increased but there is no rise in hospitalization, so we need not worry. There is no need to panic but (we have to) stay alert. We have to learn to live with Covid. We are constantly monitoring the situation," Sisodia told reporters.
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