The Delhi government is releasing funds amounting to Rs 28.24 crore for salaries of the staff of Delhi University colleges funded by it, Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal said on Tuesday. He asserted that in the future they will only be issued based on the directions of the court on whether the funds, currently available under different heads, can be used for salaries or not.
The chief minister on Tuesday headed a meeting with principals and chairpersons of the 12 fully funded DU colleges by the Delhi government.
"The Delhi government will release the funds which amount to Rs 28.24 crore. In future, funds will only be issued
based on the directions of the court on whether the funds currently available under different heads can be used for salaries or not. The Delhi government will release the amount so that the teaching staff and the colleges do not suffer till the matter is in court," the CM said at the meeting.
"The government will issue an invite to the vice-chancellor on behalf of Manish Sisodia''s office to have a dialogue with him on the pending issues and concerns. Sisodia also said that the 12 fully funded colleges should have confidence in the Delhi government, and they should be 100 per cent Delhi government-funded colleges in letter and spirit.
Which political party will win the Delhi Assembly polls to be held on Feb 5?