Union Education Minister Ramesh Pokhriyal Nishank was felicitated with international honour 'Canada Sahitya Gaurav' on Sunday. The minister attended the ceremony via video conferencing in the presence of renowned writers, Hindi lovers and educationists were present. He was presented the coveted title by Hindi Writers' Guild, Canada. Uttarakhand governor Baby Rani Maurya presented him the award at the Raj Bhawan.
Congratulating Nishank, the governor commended him for showing dedication to literature despite being a popular political leader who has served people as an MLA, an MP, a chief minister and now a Union Minister.
On receiving the honour, Nishank expressed gratitude to Hindi Writers Guild Canada, Indians residing in Canada and employed Indian language organisations there. He said
the award was dedicated to those who live abroad but remain committed to the Indian language and culture. "The honour is also dedicated to crores of people of India including labourers, farmers and teachers who continue to strive hard towards nation building despite challenges and difficulties," he said.
In December, 2020, Nishank had received 'Watan Shikhar Samman'. The Watan International Awards are given to poets, writers and artists for exemplary work in their respective fields by the Watan-UK organisation of London.
Pokhriyal has an honorary doctoral degree, D.Litt in the field of literature by Graphic Era, Deemed to be University, Uttarakhand.
He has penned more than 75 books on wide ranging issues, which have also been translated into many national and foreign languages.
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