Education minister Ramesh Pokhriyal 'Nishank' on Wednesday announced that the JEE (Main) exams will now take place four times in a year. The decision was taken after the ministry examined the suggestions received for conducting the exams. The four exam sessions will be held in February, March, April, and May 2021.
Nishank said the decision for conducting the examination four times a year will give multiple opportunities to the candidates to improve their scores in the examination if they fail to give their best in the first attempt without wasting their whole academic year. In the first attempt, the students will get a first-hand experience of taking an examination and will know their mistakes which they can improve while attempting for the next time. This will reduce the chances of dropping
a year and droppers would not have to waste a full year. If anyone missed the examination due to reasons beyond control, then he/she will not have to wait for one full year. The student’s best of the 2021 NTA Scores will be considered for preparation of Merit List/ Ranking.
The first exam session in February will take place between February 23 to February 26, 2021.
The exam schedule for March, April and May 2021 will be released accordingly. Examination results will be declared after 4 to 5 days from the last date of the exams.
JEE (Main) 2021 exams will be held in 13 languages including Hindi, English, Assamese, Bengali, Gujarati, Kannada, Malayalam, Odia, Punjabi, Tamil, Telugu & Urdu. Exam will be conducted in Computer Based Test mode, and exam for B.Arch in offline mode.
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