The JEE (Advanced) examination will be held on July 3, announced Education Minister Ramesh Pokhriyal on Thursday evening. Earlier he had announced that the JEE Main would be held in four phases- the first from February 23 to 26; the second from March 15 to 18, the third from April 27 to 30, and the fourth from May 24 to 28. The JEE (Advanced) examination will be conducted by IIT-Kharagpur.
Pokhriyal also announced that, like last time, securing 75 per cent in board examinations will not be a criteria in these admissions this time. Usually, a
general category rank holder in JEE (Advanced) should have either scored at least 75 per cent or figure in the top 20 percentile in their Board examinations to be eligible for an IIT seat.
SC/ ST candidates require at least 65 per cent or fulfil the top 20 percentile requirement. However, this requirement was dropped in the last installment of the examination, and will not be applicable in the coming installment either.
Usually, the top 2.5 lakh rank holders of JEE Main are selected to appear for the JEE Advanced, which is the gateway to IITs.
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