Exam Pattern:
Telangana State Public Service Commission (TSPSC) conducts Written Exam for Assistant Engineer, Municipal Assistant Engineer & Technical Officer posts. The examination will be in two Papers i.e. the online examination will be held as Paper I & Paper II. Total marks of Paper-I is 150 in a duration of 150 minutes for objective type questions & total marks of Paper-II is 150 in a duration of 150 minutes for objective type questions.
Syllabus of the Written examination: Paper-I: General Studies and General Abilities
1. Current Affairs – Regional, National and International.
2. International Relations and Events.
3. General Science; India’s achievements in Science and Technology.
4. Environmental issues and Disaster Management.
5. Economy of India and Telangana.
6. Geography of India with a focus on Telangana.
7. Indian Constitution and Polity with a focus on local self Government.
8. Society, Culture, Heritage, Arts and Literature of Telangana.
9. Policies of
Telangana State.
10. History of Modern India with a focus on Indian National Movement.
11. History of Telangana with special emphasis on Movement for Telangana Statehood.
12. Logical Reasoning, Analytical Ability and Data Interpretation
13. Basic English (8th Class Standard).
Paper-II: Civil Engineering (Diploma Level)
1. Surveying
2. Construction Materials & Practice
3. Engineering Mechanics and Strength of Materials
4. Hydraulics
5. Quantity Surveying
6. Design of Structures (RCC and Steel)
7. Irrigation Engineering
8. Environmental Engineering
9. Transportation Engineering
Paper-II: Mechanical Engineering (Diploma Level)
1. Thermal Engineering
2. Manufacturing Technology
3. Engineering Mechanics & Strength of Materials
4. Machine Design
5. Engineering Materials
6. Hydraulics and Hydraulics Machinery
7. Industrial Engineering and Management