As many as 459 students, a record number of 11 PhDs and 86 masters with thesis graduated during the 19th convocation of International Institute of Information Technology-Hyderabad (IIITH) held on Saturday. The ceremony was conducted online in view of the Covid-19 pandemic situation and e-convocation was live streamed.
Sadaria Aanshul Ashwin Kumar, B.Tech Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) was awarded the IIIT gold medal in recognition of his outstanding academic performance. The B.Tech best all-rounder award was presented to Kanay Gupta in CSE. Thirteen students received
programme gold medals. The Covid-19 pandemic had not affected placements this year. A total of 130 companies registered for conducting placements of which 58 visited and 50 made offers to graduating students. The institute achieved 97 per cent placements as of Saturday, said IIITH in a press release.
The convocation address was delivered by Dr Gagandeep Kang, Professor, Department of Gastrointestinal Sciences, Christian Medical College, Vellore, and IIIT-H Governing Council chairman Prof Raj Reddy, IIITH Director Prof P J Narayanan among others participated in the e-convocation ceremony.