Telangana Education Minister Sabitha Indra Reddy said that the state government has started the background process for the evaluation of intermediate examination papers. Minister said that 9.5 lakh intermediate students have appeared for the examinations for this current academic year of 2019-20.
Addressing education department officials in a review meeting, the minister said that the state government had already set up 33 centers across the state for the purpose of starting the evaluation of intermediate answer sheets from May 12. The results will be released in the second week of June, said
The minister said about 856 students could not appear for their last examination. For them, the remaining exam will be held on May 18, she added.
Sabitha has also alerted the SSC students to get prepared for the remaining eight examinations, which were postponed due to the COVID-19 lockdown. The minister said that the Telangana High Court’s ‘go-ahead’ orders were mandatory for conducting the 10th standard examinations. The state government would file an affidavit in the High Court seeking permission in this regard and based on the high court’s directions, would take a decision on the dates of examinations, Sabita said.