The Karnataka government on Monday said it has formulated Standard Operating Procedures to be in place when degree, engineering and diploma colleges in the state reopen from November 17 after a nearly eight month gap. Deputy Chief Minister Dr C N Ashwath Narayan, who holds the higher education portfolio, said in a statement that the SOPs as per UGC guidelines has separate advisories for first, second and final year students, as per which classes would be held.

Final year students wishing to physically attend classes would have to furnish a consent letter from their parents in the prescribed format, he said. During the classes, social distancing would have to be maintained as per the guidelines of the health department.

Narayan said teaching, practical and project classes should be conducted on a shift system, if necessary. However, if students wished to attend online classes, contact classes should be conducted every day to help them clarify any doubts and resolve their problems.


will have to prepare the time table in such a manner as to allow social distancing, he said. The teaching faculty should prepare the study material required for one month duration, based on each period or session and compulsorily send it to students via Telegram, WhatsApp or email.

“These study materials should be in the form of video lectures, PowerPoint Presentations, E-Notes, E-Books, Audio Books, Practice Questions, etc. It is also mandatory to upload the same study materials on the college website,” he said.

Further, all students, excluding those in their final year or pursuing post graduation, who attend online or contact classes, can stay in hostels located on-campus or off-campus. Apart from these, the SOPs also have general guidelines on cleaning buildings, entrance, furniture, teaching materials by sanitisers, COVID-19 tests of teaching faculty, students, and non=teaching staff, Dr Narayan said.

The schools and colleges in Karnataka have remained shut since the lockdown in March.
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