The Karnataka government Monday launched an online examination preparation portal for students preparing for the Joint Entrance Examination (JEE) Main, National Eligibility Cum Entrance Test (NEET), Common Entrance Test (KCET), close on the lines of last year’s initiative. In 2020, the portal was focused on NEET and CET preparations, but JEE is included this year.
At the launch event, CM BS Yediyurappa said, “The initiative has benefitted the students coming from poor socio-economic background. Alongside, the students can access the online exam preparation materials in one
go.” The portal- GetCETgo was launched in collaboration with Digilearn Pvt Ltd, it is available as an app on the Android Play store and will be available through eDUCATOR.
The online portal will have chapter synopsis, classwork, revision, homework, and mock tests. “GetCETgo has developed a structured ecosystem for the child to study. With the focus being on providing a real-time test experience, there is a rigorous analytics system in place which displays the results and reflects the student’s position against the performance of other test taker,” the release mentioned.
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