All educational institutions including schools, and colleges in Karnataka will remain closed for the next two days. The state government has announced a public holiday for all government offices, schools, and colleges, including aided educational institutions to honour the late former chief minister SM Krishna, who passed away on December 10 at the age of 92. The state is observing a three-day mourning period from December 10 to 12, during which public entertainment events are prohibited, national flags
will be flown at half-mast on all government buildings.
''Wednesday, December 11, 2024, has been declared a public holiday for all government offices, and educational institutions across the state in honour of the deceased. A three-day mourning period from December 10 to 12, will be observed, during which all entertainment programs are prohibited. The national flag will be flown at half-mast on all state government buildings'', the government said in the official notice.