The Chief Minister disclosed this after laying foundation stone for installation of a 125ft tall Ambedkar Statue at Hill Rock area on NTR Gardens premises here. Speaking on the occasion, KCR took potshots at the Opposition parties for criticizing the government on the delay of the KG-to-PG scheme. “Some leaders and others spoke nonsense on the issue and the government was determined to launch the program with a month’s delay this academic year”, KCR alleged. “Though the successive governments ignored the plight of the Dalits, STs, Minorities and Backward Classes, the TRS Government will do its best to provide them all amenities, facilities and jobs to protect their rights.
style="text-align:justify;text-indent:0.5in;background-image:initial;background-repeat:initial">Reacting to Deputy Chief Minister Kadiam
Srihari’s appeal, KCR announced that 100 institutions for Dalit girls, 25 for
residential degree colleges for Dalits and the rest for others will be launched
this June or a month later. “We have already announced 75 minority institutions
and a total of 250 institutions under KG-to-PG scheme which will begin now”, he
reiterated. “The State government was ready to trek the path shown by Dr
Ambedkar and spend required funds for these institutions to offer quality
education and provide employment”, KCR said, adding that Rs 8 crore will be
spent for Center for Dalit Studies.
Appreciating KCR for planning to install a 125ft tall statue of Dr Ambedkar, Union Labour Minister Bandaru Dattatraya stated that the United Nations was also celebrating Ambedkar Jayanthi in a big way. The Centre has taken several measures to provide health, education and pension to these deprived classes.
Which political party will win the Delhi Assembly polls to be held on Feb 5?