Maharashtra School Education Minister Varsha Gaikwad has launched three channels on Reliance Jio TV and Jio Saavn for school education in the state on July 5, 2020. These channels will be for the educational programmes for class 10th Marathi and English students along with class 12th science students.

Varsha Gaikwad took to her Twitter account to inform about the channels. The department of education has this time partnered with the private platforms after the demand for its own TV channel faced a delay for approval by the Union Government. 

The programme is titled Gyanganga which is dedicated to class 12th syllabus and the class 10th syllabus for Marathi and English. The radio channel would also be called ‘Aamhi ingraji shikto’, which means We Learn English. The channel will broadcast the programme for 6 hours in a

day while the rest 18 hours would broadcast a repeat telecast of the same. The programme schedule would be available on maa.ac.in which is a website fo the education department. The radio channel would also broadcast audiobooks from classes 8 to 10th.

The Jio SIM cardholders would get class-wise and medium wise texts from the organization providing them with ebook links through Jio chat. The education department has also asked mobile phone operators such as Airtel and Vodafone to broadcast the e-content on TV apps that use their platforms.

There are 9 more channels that are in the pipeline as per the state education minister Gaikwad. She also informed that the radio channel is called Mahavani and the TV channels would be called Gyanvani. Around 4.3 crore Jio phone users of the state would be able to benefit from the program. 
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