Delhi Deputy Chief Minister and education minister Manish Sisodia has distributed 230 smartphones among students from a government school in Rohini with the help of civil society. He headed this initiative to help the students with online learning during the pandemic.
Government Sarvodaya co-ed Secondary Vidyalaya in Rohini collected the smartphones with the help of civil society members, with the aim to facilitate students in attending online classes during the Covid-19 pandemic.
"Through the efforts of the school's Principal Awadhesh Kumar Jha and Vice-Principal Bharti Kalra, 230 smartphones were collected for the students in need,
with the help of the civil society. The smartphones were distributed to the students from class nine to class 12," Sisodia said, as per PTI reports.
The deputy CM further added, “The pandemic has had the worst impact on education. Schools had to be shut down, and classes were shifted online. Though nobody thought studies could be shifted online, our teachers stepped up despite not being trained for it.”
Deputy CM Sisodia had announced a few weeks ago that the schools in Delhi will only reopen once the Covid-19 vaccine is made available in India. He said that the safety of the students is the primary concern of the government of Delhi.
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