While addressing the virtual grand finale of the ‘Smart India Hackathon’ Saturday, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said the New Education Policy reflects the spirit of new India and that we are shifting from the burden of the school bag, to the boon of learning which helps for life. The Prime Minister keenly listened to students’ ideas to solve the persisting problems in the world and emphasised on making ‘job creators’ instead of ‘job seekers’.

He also told students that the role of the youth is very important in achieving the goal of ‘ease of living’ to give a better life to the poor. When he heard about a technology devised by students from Rajasthan on an Artificial Intelligence-driven system which can help corporates make wise investments, PM Modi quipped, “Can it work for the government too?”

While congratulating another group of students on creating re-usable sanitary napkins, PM Modi said India has been late in accepting the issues related to women’s health. He asked students to empower women, especially those belonging to rural or economically disadvantaged strata.

During his address, the Prime Minister also spoke about the difficulties faced by students despite “collecting degrees”.

Here is what he said about the new National Education Policy (NEP) –

“Learn as per own wishes”: “Focus is on what student wants to learn rather than what society expects from you. In the NEP, flexibility has been given great importance. There are provisions of multiple entries and exits. No one way street for students. Such flexibility was long needed in our education system. I am happy that NEP could

work on this aspect.”

“Degrees with no confidence”: “Under the pressure of parents, relatives, and friends – students tend to opt for subjects that others have selected. This approach has resulted in a population that is educated, has degrees but they still feel underconfident. The NEP aims to change this approach by giving students the flexibility to choose their own subjects.”

“One size does not fit all”: “Among the most exciting things about the policy is the emphasis on interdisciplinary study. This concept has been gaining popularity. And, rightly so. One size does not fit all. One subject does not define who you are. But we have been judging our students based on one subject, they do not like.”

“Shift from burden to beyond”: “India’s National Education Policy reflects the spirit of new India. We are shifting from the burden of the school bag, which does not last beyond school. To the boon of learning which helps for life. From simply memorising to critical thinking. The 21st century is the era of knowledge, learning, and innovation.”

“It’s not a policy”: “The NEP is not just a policy but is a compilation of aspirations of all 130 crore Indians. It took five years to discuss and debate each aspect and then the new education policy (NEP) was released. This policy, in the true sense, has all the aspirations of all the Indians.”

3-point mantra: “Do not stop three things – Learn, Question, Solve. Learn so you can question things, question and you will be able to create solutions. When you solve problems and make efforts, with your efforts, your growth and with you, India grows.”
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