Over 1.74 lakh (1,74,886) candidates have so far applied for the National Eligibility cum Entrance Test (NEET) for PG exam, the application process will be closed on March 30. “A total of 1,74,886 applications have been received for NEET-PG 2021 with successful payment,” National Board of Examinations (NBE) in its notification mentioned.
The application window was reopened again on March 28 after it came to notice that 1,063 applicants could not
submit their application fees till the last date on March 15. “It has been decided to open a window from March 28 (3 PM onwards) till March 30 (3 PM) to enable these 1063 applicants to make required payment towards examination fee, if they so desire to, in order to complete the process of application submission,” read the official notification.
NEET-PG is scheduled to be held on April 18 on a computer-based platform at various centres across the country.
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