JEE Main Result 2021 will be released in a few minutes from now, tweets Union Education Minister Ramesh Pokhriyal. The National Testing Agency has been releasing dates for the announcement of the Joint Engineering Examination (Main). Earlier, the result was supposed to be released on March 07, 2021. Later, the officials announced it to be announced today on March 08, 2021.
Amid this prolonged wait, Union
Education Minister gave a ray of hope to the students longing for the JEE Main result 2021.
Candidates will have to login to the official website with their credentials to check JEE Mains result The next session will take place from March 15 to 18.
However, In March and April sessions, the exam will be held only for Engineering aspirants. JEE Main BArch and BPlanning papers will be held again in the May session.
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