This year, Pariksha Pe Charcha has seen over 3 crore registrations, including five lakh parents and 19 lakh teachers. The registrations have been done so that the students receive exam tips by Prime Minister Narendra Modi. The registration for the eighth edition of Pariksha Pe Charcha closed on January 14, 2025. Students still looking to apply may check and apply immediately on the official website. Students from classes 6 to 12, teachers, and parents can enroll themselves through the official PPC website at
The Ministry of Education will send PPC kits to around 2,500 students who have been shortlisted for the main event.
According to the reports, Prime Minister Narendra Modi will address the problems related to exams, provide tips, and guide parents and teachers.
Pariksha Pe Charcha will be conducted at Bharat Mandapam, New Delhi, though the date is yet to be announced. Students can ask questions to the Prime Minister in a maximum of 500 characters.