Prime Minister Narendra Modi distributed more than 71,000 appointment letters to newly recruited candidates in various central government departments on December 23, 2024, through a videoconference. The event, part of the ongoing Rozgar Mela initiative, aims to provide meaningful employment opportunities, empowering youth and encouraging their active role in nation-building.
According to the Prime Minister's Office (PMO), this initiative underscores the government's commitment to prioritizing employment
generation. The appointments span multiple ministries and departments, including the Ministry of Home Affairs, Department of Posts, Department of Higher Education, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, and Department of Financial Services, among others.
The Rozgar Mela is being conducted at 45 locations across the country. During the event, Prime Minister Modi addressed the recruits, emphasizing the significance of their contribution to the country's development and their role in building a self-reliant nation.