The date for Prime Minister Narendra Modi's 8th edition of the Pariksha interactive session will be soon announced by the Ministry of Education. According to the official data, more than 3.50 crore students have registered for the upcoming event. This marks a significant increase in the registration numbers from the seventh edition, which saw 2.26 crore registrations, reflecting a remarkable surge of 1.3 crore registrations.
''The overwhelming participation response in PPC reflects a growing awareness and acceptance of the importance of mental well-being and holistic education. The program's interactive format, which involves open
dialogue between students, teachers, and the Prime Minister, has further contributed to its success'', reads the PIB release.
Pariksha pe charcha is an initiative introduced by Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi to transform exam-related stress into a festival of learning. The event has gained popularity in the last few years and has also transformed into a people movement, resonating deeply with students, teachers, and parents across the country. The initiative's focus on addressing exam stress and encouraging students to view examinations as a festival – "Utsav" – has struck a chord with people from all walks of life.