Prime Minister Narendra Modi will soon address board exam aspirants in his annual address, Pareeksha Pe Charcha. “Get ready to leave behind exam stress & nervousness with PM Narendra Modi in the newest edition of #ParikshaPeCharcha2021,” My Gov India’s official handle tweeted.
Students, parents, teachers from all across the country are given a chance to discuss their fears, aspirations, concerns, and suggestions with the Prime Minister every year. Last year, the Ministry of Education had
received 2.63 lakh entries from students to participate in ‘Pariksha Pe Charcha’; of which the ministry has selected about 1,050 students.
The entries will soon begin for this year too. Last year, the event was held at Talkatora Stadium in New Delhi and was attended by students, parents, and teachers from respective schools as well. While thousands had joined the PM last year, this year, the event might not have a big gathering due to the pandemic. The details regarding the same are yet to be disclosed.
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