Congress general secretary Priyanka Gandhi Vadra wrote to Education Minister Ramesh Pokhriyal Nishank on Sunday seeking cancellation of the CBSE Board exams, saying it will be impossible to ensure safety of students at crowded exam centres. In her letter to the minister, she said by forcing children to sit for these exams during a raging pandemic, the Government and the CBSE board will be held responsible if any exam centre becomes a hotspot with a large numbers of children becoming infected with the disease.
"The Government and the CBSE board might want to consider whether they are prepared to own the legal liability for students or
others who might be severely affected by the disease in this manner," she said.
She said with over one lakh cases of COVID-19 being reported across the country, lakhs of children and parents have expressed fear and apprehension about assembling at exam centres to sit for the exams in the middle of the second wave of COVID-19.
Vadra said the apprehensions of students are well founded, as giving exams under the spectre of a deadly disease will cause unnecessary anxiety to children and impact their ability to perform as well.
"They are rightfully requesting that the exams be cancelled under the prevailing circumstances.
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