The Commissioner of School Education decided to provide training for government teachers, as part of improving their teaching skills in subjects like mathematics, social and science, from this month.
One teacher per subject from each district would be trained at the State level. The teachers trained at the State level would be considered as district resource persons and they would train other teachers at district and sub district level. The training programme at the State level would be held from May 23 to 30 for primary and secondary level teachers separately.
The Commissioner of School Education told the District Educational Officers, principals of District Institutes of Education and Training (DIET) and other teacher
training institutes that teacher training at State level for district resource persons at primary and for secondary level (classes VI to X) would be held at TSIPARD, Hyderabad, in a residential mode.
Training would be provided to primary level teachers from May 23 to 25 in mathematics and environmental sciences and for upper primary and secondary level teachers from May 27 to 30 in mathematics, physical science, biological science and social studies.
The DEOs have been requested to identify one district resource person in each subject from each district and to appoint them to the training centre. Subsequently, the trained DRPs will undertake the training at district level and sub-district level.