Justice Pulla Karthik of the Telangana High Court on Monday refused to stay the Telangana Public Service Commission (TGPSC) Group-2 Examination for 783 posts, which was initially scheduled to be held from December 15 to 16. The judge was dealing with a writ petition filed by Ravula Jyothi and 22 other aspirants from various districts of Telangana.

The petitioners sought the court’s intervention due to a clash in exam schedules. According to the petitioners, the Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) has scheduled exams for 7,951 posts, including positions for Junior Engineer, Depot Material Superintendent, Chemical and Metallurgical Assistant, and others, between December 16 and 18. The petitioners argued that this overlap in dates would prevent them from appearing for both the Group-2 and Railway Recruitment exams. They requested that the Group-2 examination be rescheduled to a later date to allow candidates to take both competitive exams, which would be beneficial for them.

On the other hand, the Standing Counsel for the Telangana Public Service

Commission (TSPSC) informed the court that the Group-2 Examination had been planned meticulously with extensive arrangements already in place. The counsel noted that over 5,51,000 candidates had applied for the examination, with more than one lakh candidates having already downloaded their hall tickets. He further explained that logistical arrangements, including invigilators, security, and examination centers, had already been finalized for the scheduled dates of December 15 and 16. The Standing Counsel warned that any delay or change in the examination date would cause disruption for thousands of candidates.

After hearing both sides, Justice Karthik acknowledged the logistical and administrative challenges involved in altering the exam schedule but decided that at this stage, the Group-2 Examination could not be stayed. However, the judge also issued notices to several authorities, including the Chief Secretary of Telangana, the Secretary of the TSPSC, the Secretary of the Railway Recruitment Board, and the union Railway Ministry, seeking their responses on the matter.
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